Wir freuen uns mit Huawei im Rahmen unseres mehrtägigen Innovationsforums (Sommersemester 24) zum Thema „Mobility of Tomorrow“ einen global tätigen Kooperationspartner mit an Bord zu haben.
Introduction Huawei
Huawei, founded in 1987, is a global leader in ICT infrastructure and smart devices with 207,000 employees operating in over 170 countries to serve over three billion people worldwide. The company aims to digitalize every individual, home, and organization for a connected, intelligent world.
Lab name: Nuremberg Research Center
Introduction: The Huawei Nuremberg Research Center focus on technologies for the Digital Power. We developed specific research subjects such as the development of power converter topologies, power devices in the application and reliability area, control algorithms and overall system architecture.
Main research areas:
• Power Conversion and Distribution Technology
• Powertrain solution for EV
• Power Algorithm and Grid Connection Technology
• Power Devices Packaging Technology
• Energy Storage System